Tuesday, September 21, 2004

O faithful blog- (hehe)
I have a test tomorrow in A&P and I'm freaking out. It's my first test of the semester and I want to do well. It hard to study though-I've just had a lot on my mind. I hate it when I can't concentrate because something has already filled the spot in my mind. Hehe because there's only a limited number of spots in my mind. Better get your ticket now! I studied yesterday and I'm taking a break from it now. It's just a whole bunch of memorization and other crap. See I value it much by calling it crap. No, it really is important information I should know.
Anyway, I already have 2 miles in with Emily today-she should sleep well tonight. I feel horrible for her but in 3 years she'll have some yard somewhere-I hope. It's the joys of having a plan, failing at it, and then making a new one. The are losses and collateral damage. Mine wasn't that bad, I guess. All depends on who you are and what happened to you. So this new plan is work and go to school for 3 years and then be a nurse. That's all I'm planning because anything else I plan God would change for the humor of it all. Haha, I'm really laughing about all the other things I had planned that have changed. It's silly to look back when you were 10 or 17 even and think what you thought your life was going to be like. What you were and weren't going to do and how it all changed overnight. Over 2 years in my case, but I worked hard at breaking all my own rules. I wouldn't recommend it. You might end up with hangovers, tattoos, nymphomaniac roommates, bad bosses, worse jobs, huge bar tabs, maxed-out credit cards, drunk men crawling on the balcony, wars between roommates, sniveling ex-boyfriends, abusive ex-boyfriends, mental clients from your work stalking you, or something even more terrible. And the worst part about it is once you calm everything back down you realize your friends have all moved on and have better things to do. Granted, you'll have good stories, you'll still have your tattoos (which I don't count mine as bad), and you'll know who your real friends are. It's a climb to get back to good, but if you had it in you to have that much fun on the way down-you've got that much inside you to get back up. It's not like worse things could happen because so much more bad things could have happened. It's lucky to get a second chance, but then I didn't do anything super wrong. I dropped out and partied hard for a semester and a half before telling anyone. I might have been labeled as a slight alcoholic, I probably was at the time. But hey life is a learning lesson and I'm just learning. It's exciting to go back to school for something I actually want to do. And my family is pretty cool to live with again. My little brother is always out (girlfriend, night school,etc.), but he's cool when he's home. It's a nice chance to recollect myself, save money, and get an idea about what the heck is going on.
I have no clue what spawned this, but don't fall asleep reading it. Hehe. I have to go study some more. Woohoo.


At September 24, 2004 at 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know how the studing thing goes. Maybe not to the extent your doing it, but it sucks all the same. Yes, I agree that when you look back and where you planned to be is so off it's not even funny....ok maybe a little funny.(lol) Time for me to be off to school. HELP ME! (lol) Later.

At September 24, 2004 at 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, what did I say I was never going to do....BE A TEACHER!!!!!! But here I am on the other side of the world trying to by a plane ticket back home for Christmas and anticipating a box of homemade cookies from my best friend! I miss you darling and hope to talk to you soon!


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