Sunday, August 28, 2005

So I haven't written in a very long time...

I'll try to keep it short and to the point. I didn't get into nursing school, but I have a saved spot for next fall. It's ok because now I can work and try to pay off my bills.

I lost my job and got kicked out of my house. I know it sounds horrible but it's been a blessing. I live with a woman and her 13 year old daughter. It's been interesting but very good. I've been looking for a job for over a month and now I have two. They aren't the greatest, but they are jobs. Eventually, I'll work somewhere good.

I've been doing some really fun things. I went on vacation to Lakeside, Ohio. It was beautiful and so relaxing. Jeff and I got caught in a thunderstorm and got poured on. It was invigorating. I went to a BBQ today and that was fun. Next weekend will be great! I'm going to the Arts, Eats, and Beats and then on sunday the rennesance festival, and monday I don't work. ;)

I'm taking phlebotomy-which should be quiet interesting. I thought it'd help me get ahead on the poking people thing for nursing. So hopefully I'll be good at that.

Not much else is going on... Hopefully I'll keep up better then what I have been.